Tag Archives: Value

Giving Value as an Affiliate!

It’s one thing to be an affiliate but a completely different animal when it comes to giving value as an affiliate.

Affiliate marketing seems to be in a stage of rush at this point in time. I mean, there are tons of newbie affiliates jumping on the wagon to wealth and that is awsome. However, there are many that still have gotten the wrong advise from some of the bottom feeders that are purely in it for a quick buck.

This is where we as the more educated marketers need to help out. Yes it is true that there is always a compete but there is also heart that should go into what we do.

So, to the newbies of affiliate marketing, I will give to you value in everything I put out there.

I know there are other marketers online that will stand with me on this as we move forward in our niches and want to truely make a difference.

Lets look at it this way, if there are tons of new affiliate marketers and even veteran marketers out there that have learned bad behavior from others that are not giving value, it will eventually hurt those that are serious about our way of making an honest living.

Lets keep in mind here that Affiliate Marketers are the extended arm of both small companies that have great product to offer as well as large corporations out there that hand the preverbial marketing stick to us.

We know how to get around the internet, we know how to go on auto-pilot and we know how to make money.

If we do not teach the up and comers the right way to market we are really shooting ourselves in the foot.

I was a mess when I started marketing on line. I had to dig deep to find the right answers and all the tips and tricks for transposing my off line marketing skills to the internet world.

I acutally at one point had the same bad taste in my mouth about on line marketers simply because the small amount of bad ones were so bad about it that they took the good light out of it and #$%# it up for the those that actually had value to give.

I welcome all coments on this post and have faith that there is still more good that there is bad out there.

Let’s all give value as affiliates to those that are jumping in the game.

Have a Productive Day!

Rhonda G.

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