Tag Archives: Launchtree

Frank Kern Jumps on the LaunchTree Train!

Hey all I just want to do a quick post today to let you all know that
Frank Kern agreed to spill the beans about some of his launch strategies.

Now, for those of you who do not know who Frank Kern is, you may just want to pay very close attention to this guy. He is one of the
biggest bad boys of mega launches on the internet.

He produces MILLIONS in sales on all of his launches and has almost a cult following at this point because he is so good at what he does.

He has set the bar high for anyone out there that want’s to be him when they grow up..

Go check out what he is sharing in this video. I was totally sucked in on it simply because I know every time he puts something out there I learn from him. He gives this one up for No Moolah..

Got to love it!
Franks Free Video